
This is a follow up on my previous post How this site is done.

Starting as of 2019-02-02 this website now uses a forked version of the even theme for zola (the static site engine for this website).

The most stark difference is the fact it now has a dark theme instead of a light one, keen readers will notice the colors of the background match the 'hard contrast' background colors of the gruvbox-dark theme.

It also uses the teal color from the same theme, the quoteblocks and codefences also use colors from it, and so does the background. The configuration was also changed to use gruvbox-dark as the syntax highlight colorscheme.

In short this whole website was changed to make extensive use of gruvbox-dark.

How it was done

The process of "forking" (much rather be called vendoring) even was quit easy. Themes live in the themes directory of the website root.

This is the current tree:

$ tree -d -L 1
├── content
├── public
├── resources
├── sass
├── static
└── templates

6 directories

All that was required was moving the, templates, sass and static from even to the root.

$ mv themes/even/templates/* templates/
$ mv themes/even/sass/* sass/
$ mv themes/even/static/* static
$ rm -rf themes/even

And remove the theme key from the config.toml file. Another side-effect is that the Travis CI configuration was made simpler, we no longer need to clone the even repository at every run.

This is it now:

        - devel

  # Download and unzip the zola executable
  # Replace the version numbers in the URL by the version you want to use
  - curl -s -L | sudo tar xvzf - -C /usr/local/bin

script: |
  zola build

# If you are using a different folder than `public` for the output directory, you will
# need to change the `zola` command and the `ghp-import` path
after_success: |
  [ $TRAVIS_BRANCH = devel ] &&
  zola build &&
  sudo pip install ghp-import &&
  ghp-import -n -b master public &&
  git push -fq https://${GH_TOKEN}${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git master

Some plans for the future include getting zola from Void Linux as it is the distro i live on. But in the meantime it is good enough.